An investigation into an intelligent UI


Orson’s generative AI, the Orson AI Director, would play a key role in advancing Orson’s storytelling technology. As a proof of concept, we planned introduce the technology first by training it ask a follow-up question throughout the Orson Interview process.

The problem

Orson’s engineers were actively training the Orson AI Director, but how would the UI move and interact with our users?

Building a strategy

As the Senior UX Designer, my aim was for our new technology to feel timeless, approachable and emotionally sensitive. Within the initial stage of discussions, I crafted a series of diagrams to help organize and steer decision-making around design and development.

Project goals

  • To enrich storytelling by discerning, comprehending, and responding to human emotions, thereby nurturing an authentic and entertaining dialogue across two operational modes: Listening and Speaking.

  • To ensure users feel at ease during their interview especially during times in which our technology transitions between pre-recorded initial questions and live AI follow-up questions.

Technical restrictions

  • The Orson AI Director would not appear on screen at the same time as the pre-recorded video.

- Full Case Study Coming Soon -


A virtual meeting platform developed in the wake of COVID-19


A new design system for a generative AI platform